
2017-06-23 四個組織資訊日 PRIME Resource Day

Thanks to the four PRIME grantees for the collaboration to make it a success
Starting and Growing Your Business with SBA PRIME Assistance
at Ted Weiss Federal Building, 30th Floor
9:30am-10am Registration and Networking
10:00am-11:40am Presentations
11:00am-12:00pm Meeting the Business Advisors
Thanks to the attendees for participating the "Elevator Pitch" section
before the presentations

Tammy Wills, Brooklyn Cooperative Federal Credit Union
"Bookkepping Strategies for Stree-Free Tax Filing

Isaac Roldan, CAMBA
"Mobile Marketing"

Jose Taveras, NY Women's Chamber of Commerce
M/WBE Certification for Gov Contracting

Brianna Brandon, TruFund
Financial Empowerment for Small Business Owners

I had to add 20 more chairs to accommodate the attendees
I am glad so many entrepreneurs are eagar to learn

Thanks to Tammy for her Power Point file and excellent presentation

Thanks to Brianna for her Power Point file and the informative presentation

Thank Brianna for working with you at the International Franchise Expo

Thanks Isaac for working late to send me the Power Point file
and the interactive presentation

Thanks to Kelly for helping me clean up and bring everything back to the office around 12:40pm
 I had rush to Flushing Library for the seminar at 2:00pm, but I was still late

Thanks to the attendees for waiting for me

"Marketing Strategies" in Chinese
Glad to see many young entrepreneurs

I was exhausted and hungry after the seminar
I didn't have time to eat anything the whole day
even Kelly got lemon juice for me


