
2017-06-22 理門大學及哈里斯圖書館 Lehman College and Hollis Library

10am-12pm A Chinese delegation from colleges in HuNan Province
visiting Lehman College CUNY on the Concourse
Lehman College is well prepared 
                     10am-11:10am Welcome Remarks, Man-Li Lin
                     10:10am-11:15am SCPS Presentation
                         Jane Mackillop, Interim Dean of Schol of Continuing & Professional Studies 
                         Goher Murtaza, Director of Continuing Education
                         Dorothy Dobson, Assistant Director of Workforce Education Programs
                         Clarence Stanley, Director of SBDC
                         Samira Bahrami, Director CUNY on the Concourse
                      11:15am Tour VR lab
                      11:30am EON instructor Alistair Mountain
                      11:40am Chinese delegation Rep.
Having a meeting with Lehman SBDC for planning the International Trade collaboration

4pm-6pm "Marketing Strategies" at Hollis Library


