
2017-06-23 四個組織資訊日 PRIME Resource Day

Thanks to the four PRIME grantees for the collaboration to make it a success
Starting and Growing Your Business with SBA PRIME Assistance
at Ted Weiss Federal Building, 30th Floor
9:30am-10am Registration and Networking
10:00am-11:40am Presentations
11:00am-12:00pm Meeting the Business Advisors
Thanks to the attendees for participating the "Elevator Pitch" section
before the presentations

Tammy Wills, Brooklyn Cooperative Federal Credit Union
"Bookkepping Strategies for Stree-Free Tax Filing

Isaac Roldan, CAMBA
"Mobile Marketing"

Jose Taveras, NY Women's Chamber of Commerce
M/WBE Certification for Gov Contracting

Brianna Brandon, TruFund
Financial Empowerment for Small Business Owners

I had to add 20 more chairs to accommodate the attendees
I am glad so many entrepreneurs are eagar to learn

Thanks to Tammy for her Power Point file and excellent presentation

Thanks to Brianna for her Power Point file and the informative presentation

Thank Brianna for working with you at the International Franchise Expo

Thanks Isaac for working late to send me the Power Point file
and the interactive presentation

Thanks to Kelly for helping me clean up and bring everything back to the office around 12:40pm
 I had rush to Flushing Library for the seminar at 2:00pm, but I was still late

Thanks to the attendees for waiting for me

"Marketing Strategies" in Chinese
Glad to see many young entrepreneurs

I was exhausted and hungry after the seminar
I didn't have time to eat anything the whole day
even Kelly got lemon juice for me

2017-06-22 理門大學及哈里斯圖書館 Lehman College and Hollis Library

10am-12pm A Chinese delegation from colleges in HuNan Province
visiting Lehman College CUNY on the Concourse
Lehman College is well prepared 
                     10am-11:10am Welcome Remarks, Man-Li Lin
                     10:10am-11:15am SCPS Presentation
                         Jane Mackillop, Interim Dean of Schol of Continuing & Professional Studies 
                         Goher Murtaza, Director of Continuing Education
                         Dorothy Dobson, Assistant Director of Workforce Education Programs
                         Clarence Stanley, Director of SBDC
                         Samira Bahrami, Director CUNY on the Concourse
                      11:15am Tour VR lab
                      11:30am EON instructor Alistair Mountain
                      11:40am Chinese delegation Rep.
Having a meeting with Lehman SBDC for planning the International Trade collaboration

4pm-6pm "Marketing Strategies" at Hollis Library

2017-06-20 新興領袖施萍採訪 Right Management and EL

Right Management

10am-12pm How to Start a Business workshop
for a gorup of professionals in Finance, Management and IT

Grand Central Station to go back to the office

4:30pm-7:30pm Emerging Leaders class session 6 at SIBL

Thanks to George, HSBC,  for being the guest expert

Thanks to Danny, HSBC, for supporting EL

SIBL is a classic building
2017-6-20 Emerging Leaders Sarah Lu Interview
華人學「美國範」 做中國人生意
聯邦小商業局迷你MBA 三成參加者為華人 青睞美國人做生意的方式
迷你MBA 近三成學員是華人
US Health Express高管徐延飛在620SBA工商管理培訓班上。(SBA提供)

另一位中國學員徐延飛也是做電商的,他是「美國保健品母嬰用品零售公司」(US Health Express Corp)的負責人。5年前來美後,他從代購奶粉做起,發現了跨境電子商務的廣闊天地。現在,他是很多品牌如美國雅培(Abbott Global)、澳洲Swisse、美國「童年時光」(Childlife)等的代理商;也是中國很多批發商、零售商的供貨公司;年銷售額已經做到了2,000萬美元。
關注美國市場 瞄準網上購物
未來的購物是網絡行為,即便食品也是如此。亞馬遜從網上走下來收購全食超市,實體點心精品店Lady M也要反向進入網絡。另一個在課堂上演示公司財務計畫的Lady M的財務主管辛莫內特(Alvarez Symonette)詳細講述了他們公司的成長歷程。他還當場讓大家品嚐了他們的招牌甜點——薄如紙的20層餅構成的Mille Crepes蛋糕和日本綠茶蛋糕。
要想持續發展 還要學美國人

2017-06-19 社區資源展 United Health Plan Community Resource Fair

Michael Chan, NTU classmate

WieJing Shi , 石蔚靜 Caring Kind Org

Wai-Yee Chan 陳偉儀, Chinese-American Plannig Council

Learning how to volunteer for the Alzheimer Org

I was so touched that a few people brought me coffee, tea and foods

2017-06-17 國際連鎖展第三天 International Franchise Expo Day 3

Saturday morning, taking F train, A, #5, #7 train to Javits Center

Early Sat morning in the empty escalator at the last stop of #7 train:Hudson Yards
Feeling something familiar to what I experienced when I was dying in the hospital in 1984
The endless tunnel with birght light, and I am flying

The subway staton

Javits Center is an interesting place, everythng yet nothing
Yesterday, a huge expo here; but it is empty today
The hall hosting IFE today with 400 exhibitors and 20,000 visitors,
Tomorrow it will be empty with nothing
Life is the same

Three days in this building is like a dream, totally isolated from the real world outside
This time I larned a good lesson:
Do not work with people that I cannot trust

The Freeman charged $495 to bring the materials including SCORE's heaving banner to our booth
from HERE

to the third booth at the third row

I went to talk to the lady at Freeman with my checkbook
I was shocked when I saw the invoice on our booth yesterday morning

Thank KL for introducing Roya to meet me
Roya is a Commercial Specialist at US Consulate Genderal Guangzhou

Franco Perrotta came to tell me that he is sorry that he cannot waive the $495 "manage materials fee"
I am so proud that I can take a photo with him with a smile
Liz asks me what happened. I told her do not say anything,
I am willing to pay the bill because I don't want to deal with a thief who stole my "clipboard" for $1.99
and will make it look like the $495 invoice is all my fault
I just want a peaceful mind that I don't even have to think about/talk about her

1pm-2pm We have a big class on "How SBA can Help Your Business"

I talked to James Mastandrea, John Erich, and Steve Gross about the invoice
James said that he cannot help
He just talked about how good he was and how he will work with me
to have a Chinese pavilian next year
He sent a message to me, Roya and the thief after the event
I told his boss that I only work with people that I can trust
I only work with doers, not talkers.
I walked around to visit the exhibitors one hour before the close of the IFE

Thanks to Steve for the oppotunity to be part of the IFE

Thanks to Evelyn, LaGuardia SBDC for working on a Sat.

She is a security guard and I don't know her name
I appreciate her smiles and kind words for those thee days at IFE
when I had the problem with the $495 invoice

The little girl is rock climbing

Photo Master for parties

It was a memorable event
I am proud that I am calm and strong
Making the right decision to keep peaceful mind